Large Scale Developments

LIVE | WORK | PLAY | SUSTAIN is well versed in the process of land development, from a project’s inception through a multi-phase build-out. Our expertise is a vital component in getting a project off the drawing board and built. We work with developers, land owners/brokers, and other individuals to evaluate parcels of land for their value. This includes collecting relevant data, and performing due diligence in preparation for obtaining entitlements, financing and purchase, or attractive investment partners. Based on analysis of the site, we prepare concepts and recommendations on appropriate land uses, land use yields and scenarios to help determine the value of uses of the land to meet the client’s needs. From this analysis, we help build the development team by bringing on board local engineers, architects, attorneys, brokers, environmental consultants and other professionals necessary to ensure a successful development.

Mixed Use Development

LWPS offers site planning and consultation for a wide variety of mixed use development. From commercial office design to retail centers and multifamily development, LWPS understands the unique needs and requirements for a wide array of mixed uses. As with our other planning services, we study our clients’ property and identify key physical, economic, political and cultural events. All aspects of the planning process including obtaining entitlements and establishing project thematics which are utilized to create unique, striking and functional mixed use developments for clients and the ultimate end user.


Many existing land uses and developments have outlived their usefulness given the changing needs of our cities and towns. By replacing outdated, unattractive and inefficient buildings and parking lots with environmentally sound, attractive and economically vibrant developments great benefits can be reaped not only for owners and developers but also the community and the governments which serve them.

Every development in a city is a strand in the urban fabric. Some developments strengthen the connections between individuals, the community, and the environment while other developments can leave large areas of a city unproductive, unattractive, and even embarrassing for proud citizens. The redevelopment of such sites can be a win-win situation for developers, the community, and the environment. Redevelopment of already impacted sites is often a better alternative than the conventional approach of building new developments on top of functioning ecosystems far from the city center. Developments within cities have considerably fewer costs to society and the environment than Greenfield developments at the city’s outskirts.

LIVE | WORK | PLAY | SUSTAIN can facilitate the redevelopment process. By examining the connections between a project and its context, we are able to seamlessly integrate your vision with overall community goals and objectives.